Mural By John @Jguiney 2018

What began as a personal passion to wear exactly what I want, turned into an obsession helping others achieve their own unique style.

Off the rack isn’t for everyone! In fact, it’s a great place to start, but should never be the finish. Here at Guiney Design we help everyone achieve their own unique style. By beginning with off the rack components or patterns, we strive to take the vision from inside your head and put it on your body. Our team is dedicated to creating custom experiences that leave our customers excited about their 1 of 1 wearable pieces or art.

John Guiney has been making small run custom clothing and shoes for 20 years. After many twist and turns, and focussing on personal commissions, John is opening up his shop to collaborate on custom experiences.

When the world went into lockdown, John turned his focus back to his personal shoe collection and paint customizations. The next logical step was a class with the The Surgeon Academy, and diving into reconstructive customizations.

Based out of Denver, Colorado. John now offers Custom Clothing alterations and experiences out of the RINO District.